Holiday coming. So gd. But sometime oso boring. Tis time holiday only 3 week. but gd is tis friday no nid to go sch. so happy. tis week only study 4 3 day. so gd. if sch is so got they should ask us not to study tis week. =) then we can enjoy our holiday. haha
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Rain Rain
Tis few days rainning. so gd. Don noe y i like rainning when i m in the bus. Feel so gd. haha. N long time nv update blog le. So busy. Class test coming. haiz. don noe i can make it or not. Any way i don care. Wat even i nid to noe. i have already noe. i try not to stress myself too much. haha.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tdy i got my hair cut. Feel so gd. haha. Tmr i have to go out again. hmm. Nid to go out 4 2 days to have fun. Cos sch going to reopen. Nid to study. haha. Holiday going to be over. haha.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
So happy
Tdy so happy. I got my result le. I got 2 B. haha.So hard to get B. Next term don noe how to study le. Got Math haiz..Got to work hard again.hahahhahaha. Let work hard. =p
Monday, September 22, 2008
Haiz.My holiday is very boring. I always stay at home. Nothing to do. Last week i go out with 1 of my friend. haha. So gd finally can go out le. Thn tis week don noe wan to go out or not. So sian. Sometime i feel like staying at home but sometime i wan to go out. But don noe wan to go where. Sian. Haiz. I don wan to work le. I have been working 4 8 months. I really wan to take a rest. To save some money the way is not to go out or if wan to go out not to spent. haha =p
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Holiday le
Finally my exam end. So happy. Haha. Now i can rest le. I have been work for 8 months. Study for 6 months. Now Finally can rest. But stay at hm oso very boring. Who will ask mi go out. I don dare to ask my friends out. Some of them every time say not free. So i think i will stay at hm. haiz. Tis time holiday is 1 month. haha. Rest & can be lazy at hm. Let Rest.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
i m happy on my last working
I m happy. But i oso sad. Cos i cannot work with them. i will miss them. i have been working there 4 8 months. Everything has change. I feel sad. I like to work but becos of my study i have to stop. haiz. But nvm i can find a new job again. I oso can go back to my work place find them. haha.. Below is wat they give mi on my last day.

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sunday so boring
Tdy so boring. Haiz. Ytd work. tdy rest. So boring at home. Got nothing to do. Slp whole day. haha. Haiz. Exam coming. still ned to work. Do noe wat to do. Haiz. How m i going to spent tis 1 month to study. I nv update blog cos i really very busy. nid to work n nid to study. Stress. haiz
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy in Sentosa
Today I nv work. But happy. Can have sun burn. Haha. Although got a little bit pain. But i like it. HaHa. So Happy. Haha. Only 4 people go oso fun. I wan more people but. I wan to meet them but they always say not free. Everytime say the samething. Haiz. Nvm. Below is the picture i take with my sister ,friends n myself.haha

Sunday, June 22, 2008
I hate my friend treat me tis
I hate him. Cos i only say 'hi' to him. N ask him some question. Yet he nv answer my question. I hate. That day my mood is not bad. Let him scold 4 nothing. I not everytime can online. Only ask few question. Let him scold. I only his friend n i do nothing wrong only chat. If i m angry i will not angry with my friend. Yet he angry with me 4 wat. Did he think wat i feel 4 nothing get scold by him. If he got read tis. Wat will he do. Do u think i m in the wrong?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I realize
I realize Tat i wan to meet a friend out is so hard. I free they not free. Thn I not free they free. R they trying to make me a fool? I hate. I realize when people getting older n older the time is not enough. They nv work oso so hard to meet out. I got work still have to find time to go out. Yet they don wan. Wat the hell. Every time use the same reason nv change. I hate to meet them out......
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Don understand. Sometime i wan to go out with my friends. Everytime wan to ask them go out. They will say cannot. I don understand. Sometime i really wan to go out with my friends. But I free they cannot go out. I not free they can go out. Y like tis. If they don feel like going out with me i will try to make myself as busy as i can. Then i will not think abt going out with my friends. I will try not to ask those friends tat cannot come out. Cos is unfair to me tat i free they not free or they cannot come out. How old r they. Still ned to ask parent. I wan to go out but. They will only go out with their friends n not me.
Y Got so much problem
Haiz. My friend got problem they can say out. But my problem i cannot say out. Sometime i wan to say out. But the thing that happened makes me cannot say out. Some more tis is a nice thing to say. How m i going to do. Y every week got difference problem. Last week HP lost. N tis week..... Sometime i don wish to think so much. But.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Handphone lost
On sunday i lost my hp. So sad lol. All my contact n song gone. So sad. I buy new phone. But i still like the old wan. Haiz don noe le. N tis will be my last time to lost my hp le. Haiz. So sad. I really miss my hp very much.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Even Sry oso don noe how to say
I hate. People who P.S. If i P.S people i will say 'SRY'. But people who have P.S me. They will nvr say sry, Just only msg me tat the teacher say gt something to do. Ask me go home myself. In the msg they will nvr say sry. Wat the hell. I still will say sry to them yet they nvr. Wat the hell is tis. C me online thn the person offline. Wat the. Even chat oso don wan. Thn i don noe who P.S who le. The person who P.S me is the person who offline not me. Still wan to do wat. Say sry to them mahx. But not i P.S them. Wat the hell is tis. Then my fault lol.
Yesterday so tired
Yesterday i very tired cos i work 4 13 hours. I start at 9 am but end at 10.30pm. So tired. Reach home abt 11.30pm. Tis is not the first time work so late. I think is the 2nd time le ba. Haiz nvm wan. But work the time will go very fast. Abt only stay at home the time is very slow. Yesterday not only me stay so late. My boss oso. hehe. Both of us is very tired. But i really tired. Cos friday i work until 9.30pm. Thn the next day reach office at 9 am. Sometime i feel like staying there don go home. Hehe.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tis time really wan my life le
Tmr i got work. But Sunday maybe have to work. Cos really gt a lot. N today i reach office haven sit down. Have to go out do something. But nvm. Still can go out 4 a while. Haiz tmr i really have to wake up early. I must to. Cos i wan to reach office at 9am. End at 5 or 6 pm. Just hope i can finish all my job. Hehe. I will i must finish. Don wan my life i oso must finish it. Today i start work at 3.30pm but still the same end at 9.30pm. Reach home abt 10 plus. Still have to eat. So tired. I feel like going to sleep. Tis time i got many things to do. Not only my job oso my homework. Just hope tis year life will be easy.
I hate they do tis to me.
Today morning i m happy. Cos i pass my test. Result is 92/100. First time get so high. But abt 11+. Not happy le. Cos people PS me. N tis is not the first time le. Say go home together. In the end I have to go home myself. Thn next time i won't ask them go home together. Wat the hell. I really hate lol. If i PS them i still will say 'SRY'. But they nv say. At list i gt say sry. But they nv. Still expected to do wat. Haiz. Always PS is not gd. Yet still. Last Sat, I meet friends n i wan to study with them. But in the end 1 of my friend said don wan to go le. Thn my other said wait 4 me at bugis library. In the end they change the place. So in the end i nv go out meet them. I got bring my book out. Haiz. Everytime like tis wan. Say go home together in the end just say cannot. Say go out study but in the end said mother say cannot. Every time like tis wan nv change wan. Thn next time i say tis. They keep asking me to go. They ask me to go thn i go. But i ask them to go out. Every time say the same thing. Answer will only be 1. Tat is Cannot go out.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Not I wan n wat i hate to listen
I oso don wan to work so hard. I gt no choice. Ned money. There is only the way to earn the money. Only work. Although I have to study. But my job maybe will change to a easy thing. Hope can not ned to work so hard. Tis Sat still have to work. But I don noe wat time i will work. I wan to work at 8am. But i always don wan to work abt weekdays. But no choice. Haiz. Sometime i hate people say they r emo. I hate. If a people don noe wat they do or wat they do wrong. The person should not say he/she is emo. Emo gd mahz. I don think so. In our life must be happy. Yet He/she keep saying emo. Y. I don understand. He/she must noe wat they r doing. If don be friend still can be classmate. I almost hear people saying emo emo emo. They say not tired. But i listen listen till tired. I sometime don noe how to help them. Wan to help. But. Sometime i really wan to help. In the end I think they should solve them self. Cos tis thing no 1 can help. Some more tis is their personal problem. If really make 1 friend angry just say sry.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Haiz. Today
Today i work almost like hell. Got so many. Gt people help me le. But really still got alot. Haiz. Tmr gt test oso don noe how. Sat still have to finish all the work. So many how. But tis time not only me. Tis sat got abt 2 more people come n help me. Oso don noe can finish or not. Hope i can finish. Than next sat no ned to go back. Sometime don noe y. I think alot. But. Sometime i still don noe wan to do. As in my job. They say wan to change. But don noe when will they change. Something happy but sometime worry.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Got too many thing le
Today gt too many things to do. Even work oso. Tmr nv work but still got many things have to worry. No 1 wan to help me in my job. N they still wan to change my job. Thn Sat i go back n work wan to finish the job i left. But cannot. Cos the internet down. Tis is just only wasting my time to go there. Still got so many. Who can finish. Wed go n work still got abt 7 days back lock not done. If they wan to change my job is ok with me. But must to let me learn. Monday to sat work. Only Thu n Sunday no ned to work. But Thu i reach home so tired. Sunday still have to clear my house. Got too many things le. I oso don noe can do tis 4 how long. Thursday test. Wednesday still have to work. Cos Tuesday i have something in th afternoon so cannot work. Wednesday go back i have no choice. Oso don noe tis thursday how. Haiz. Tis time i will die between work n study. I think every friday i work at 3.30pm but end work at 8 plus or 9 plus. Reach home so tired. N the next day is sat. Have to wake up at 8 am. Reach work abt 9 plus. I really very tired. Sometime i don wan to go n work. Haiz.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tis is wat tmr wat i ned to do.
Haiz. Tmr have to do so many. Somemore is I 1 person do. So many.I have to reach there at abt 9am. If not i cannot finish. Below is the image that tmr mean sat i have to finish all.

Tis is wat i have to finish tmr. I oso have to go out with my friends. Yet 1 of them say don wan to go le. Haiz. If like tis how. They oso cannot help me to do. Wan to go out with them yet they............... Haiz. My test oso coming le. I really don have time to study. Yet. Haiz. Haiz. Haiz.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wat i don like
Sometime i don like my class advisor cos i ask him thing n he ans but I still don understand. An easy thing can say until hard think. As in 1 question i ask easy will make the question look more difficult. Haiz. I don noe will i ask again. If not i can ask who. Haiz.
I still got many things to do. Next week test le. don noe I can pass or not. I wan to learn But the day be4 I got work. How i can study. So hard. My work oso cannot finish. Haiz. Tis few days i feel like going to be crazy. Don noe how le. Haiz. Still got homework to do. Haiz. My dear go HK le. Sad lol. Oso miss my dear. Haha. Nv mind will c my dear again. Hehe. But sometime still feel lonely. Haiz. Don noe le. I oso wish i no ned to think so much. Hope a better day will be here.
Friday, May 9, 2008
My work n my feeling
Today i start work at 3.30pm. But end at 9 plus almost 10 pm. Tmr still have to work. Tired. Haiz. Feel lonely n sometime sad. Don noe wat to do. haiz. To me sometime got friend like don have. I don noe y. Sometime miss my friend but. Wan to meet together oso hard. All 18 going to be 19 still have to ask parent mahx. I don noe y. Wan to meet out oso so hard. Go out n play oso cannot. Like tis call friend mahx. i don understand. Maybe i should be quiet. Maybe my friends don treat me as friend. I just don noe y i feel like tis. I don like tis feeling. Sometime make me quite scare. But don noe scare wat. Maybe i should try to be alone. Thn i will try to think wat to do. But i really don noe wat to do noe. No1 can help me. In my mind i wan work but i oso wan a friend. I wan to have sometime with my friends. That can relax n have fun. Not they talk to their friend n just left me alone. Is tis call friend??? 4 me i don think so. Y. Who can tell me y. Sometime i wish to noe y. I will cut down my joke to all my friend. I will change a new Gina. As in they will talk with. If not i don wan to care le. If they don really treat me as friend. Wan to go out still have to think abt money. If no money thn earn lol. Tis won't die. Sometime i wan to go out but sat have to go back n work. I oso don wan to work on sat but still have to. Cos i really cannot finish my work. Y my friend nv work oso busy. Y only stay at home play maple or other games. Games is nice. But have a fresh air is gd. Sometime go out with friend i really feel lonely. Everything look unfamiliar to me. Tell me y can??
Today don noe y i feel like i don have friend. Only got schoolmate.I don noe y i feel so unfamiliar to my friend. Y. I just think I am alone. Which have no friends at all. Who can tell me. I feel very lonely. Listen to song oso feel lonely. I don noe y. I chat with my friend. But i my face got laugh got smile but in my heart got nothing. Who can tell me Y? I now oso don noe wat i wan. wan to go out ask them they don feel like going out with me. They ask m go out i not free have to work. Somtime i really feel very lonely.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I don noe wat to say
Finally, Can go out with friends n sis. I not i will work like hell. Work like crazy. Haiz.Can go out n watch moive. Feel so gd, Haiz Y people online nv chat wan. Don understand. Monday my life will be like hell. Rush to sch first then still have to rush to work. Tis is really like hell. Haiz. Reach work have to do abt 150 cases. So tired. Don wan to finish oso cannot cos everyday the same thing. No 1 will help me. Don noe i still can work there or not. Don noe just wan to study. Or half work half study. Maybe i going to be crazy. If there is no 1 going to help my job. Does mean everything. A bit oso can. Just don put so many 4 my to do. If not i cannot study le. I realized tat my work place people change when i start sch. Be4 sch start they r gd. But when my sch start is different. Sometime treat me gd. But sometime look like they wan my life. Reach there got so many thing to don. Haiz
Thursday, May 1, 2008
New Thing
Today i do something for myself. N i think is nice. Love the thing le. I wan to do more. Tis time mother day don noe wat to do. Haiz. I don wan to think. So tired wan.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tis time
Got no time to update le. Cos have to work n study. I oso don noe can i take it or not. Reach work place got so many things to don. Go sch have to remember something. Haiz. Really feel like going to sick. Sometime i don really understand my friends. 1 of my friend she wan to die. Cos my other friend don wan to pay the handphone bill. Not tat cheap. Abt $700+. How is my friend going to pay. I really don noe. Tis time many people change le. Tis time my time is really full. Wan to go shopping oso got no time. Wan to go out with my friend oso got no time. Cos some SAT have to go back n work to clear all my work. Tis time really wan my life.By the way, Y only the guy can contact the girl. Mean y my ex can contact my ite friend. Yet she don wan to contact us???? I don understand. Wan her to pay her handphone oso ned me to call her. Y??? Who can answer. I think no1 will noe the answer. Only my ex ba. Haiz i oso don wan to care. But i c my friend i oso don noe wat to say. If a person wan to borrow money is easy. But ask the person to return the money like wan he/her life. Who can tell me. Abt my sch i don think there is problem. Only is my friend n my work. Work got too many problems. Friend oso.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Don noe agian???
Tis few days really very tired. Today i saw my friend. She really change a lot. I miss her too much. I oso miss my 2 dear. I only keep in touch with 1 dear. Don noe wat happen to my 2nd dear. Tis 2 dear don have 1st or 2nd. I will alway miss them de. Tis few days i don feel like going to sch. Maybe too tired. Today almost fell down in the bus. Got too many people in the bus. Even my Desktop got problem. Haiz. Too many problem. Even I work oso got problem. Tmr still got to work. But don noe many or not. On Wednesday I can't finish my work. Don noe tmr can i finish abt 3 days job??? Who still can help me. Tis job really wans me to die. Within 4 hours have to complete my job. Some more the job is abt 3 days.Who can finish??? I oso wan to finish n sat stay at home and rest. But tis week don noe can or not. Tis time really got too many. If i work for 8 hours my target is 450. If i work for 4 hours target is 225. After 4 hours i have to go home. I oso don care so much le. But friday the girl will bully me. Cos the next day is a weekend. I just wan to hope she won't bully me. She will throw the things tat i should not do. I will miss those people who just left the company. Just wan to wish them gd luck.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tired n Just wan to tell all my friend who noe him
Tis few day or month i will be very tired.Cos I have to wake up at 6am sleep at 11pm or 12am. Have to study n after sch still have to work. Luckily only Tuesday, Wed n friday ned to work. But tis really make me tired. Cos tis three days i start sch at 8am. So i have to left house abt 6 plus. So tried. Don noe work gd or study gd??? So boring n tired. I still have to think so many things. Have to worry many thing. Worry tis worry tat going to die very soon le. Sometime i don wish to think so much. But don noe y still think. Tis time sch start le. If i got work i won't stay until so late le. Cos the next day still have to wake up early. But don noe y sometime the bus is fast sometime the bus is slow. Today i reach sch at 7.30 but lesson start at 8am. Yesterday late 4 45 min. By the way I just wan to tell my friends tat noe me n my ex. I m telling u guys tat there is no show to watch between me n him. Hope u guys understand. My friend who is same sch n not same class hope u understand that there is no show le. If he really don mind to be a normal friend. I will oso try not to mind. Between me n him only normal friend nothing else. So don think tat there is anymore show le. Hope u guys understand.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sch Starts le. Maybe something going to happen???
Today sch start. I don feel happy n don feel sad. I only feel so so. But i m quite tired. N i m quite happy with my timetable. Hehe i like my timetable. But sad is i have to wake up at 6 plus. Tis is so tried. Today i saw him. Maybe both of us just treat as stranger. Tis is wat he wan. He said tat last time when i ask he to call me he say scare. Maybe he just don treat tis as friendship or relationship. Haha I just don care now. Since tis is over le then let tis be over. Luckily is We r not the same class tis year. I think he will oso be happy tat we r not in the same class. I will try tat we nv meet before. I just hope my last year classmate won't say me n him again. I really don like. Since he don wan to be friend after the relationship. Just hope my last year classmate n those people who noe me don say tis any more. Just wish him can get a new relationship. Sometime i was thinking does he noe wat does girl wans??? Nvm i won't think so much le. For now on i will just think abt study n job. Maybe i think tis 2 thing is important to me n my family member. Hope all my friends r healthy n happy with wat they have now.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I don wan tis
Haiz. Less then 1 week sch going to start but i don noe y. I really don feel like going to sch. I really don noe y. I don wan to go sch n don feel happy when sch going to start. Haiz i don noe y. Is it cos of him. Maybe no. Too many things let me do le. Just don feel like going to sch. Maybe going to be crazy le ba. Tis time go to sch don noe wat will happen again.I don wish to think too much but don noe y like tis. Sometime got worry. But sometime scare don noe of wat. Maybe i think too much le. I will find a way to relax myself. But tis year maybe i will be tired the whole year le. Cos have to study n have to work. I still don noe i can take it or not.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Don noe y
Sometime i don understand y they wan to say me. I noe if i do something wrong i don mind they tell me n say me. But sometime i am not in the wrong they say me n not say the person who do wrong the thing. I got my own docs to do. She oso have her own. Y still pass it to me. Make me really cannot finish. I hate her face. Wat a stupid face. Y she can go home on time. N i can't. Sometime no say i don wan to help her. Is i really cannot finish. Yet oso get scold. Haiz. Now i have to go home be4 7pm. If i stay there after 7pm is my time. Means No pay. I hate. Who don wan to go home on time.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Boring,Tired n Worry
Tis few days don noe y. Tired,boring n Worry. My life like got nothing to do. Weekdays i work but till weekend don wat to do. Wan to watch tv but don watch wat. Haiz. If wan to go out with my friends don noe go where. Stay at home like going to die. Haiz. When i am on the msn not many people will chat with me. So boring. N sch going to start. Don noe y i don feel like going to sch. haiz. But i only feel that i wan to work. I will try to focus on my study first. Thn think abt my job. Haha.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Happy n sad
I am quite happy. But too tired. I miss my 2 dear so much. I miss my friends oso. Don noe how r them now??? I miss them too much. Hehe. 1 of my dear stay in Yishun n the other wan stay in Bukit Batok. Too boring le. At home oso got nothing to do. Haiz. Luckily i got work if not i will die.But today i work got happy n sad. Sad is i do something tat is right yet still say i wrong. I have already check n ask le. Y still say i wrong. Haiz. I still don noe tmr wat time go work. Now i go work don have fix time le. Sometime only got 2-4 hours to complete my work. Target is 450 pages how to complete.So hard. If i work 8 hours i still cannot hit target oso i wrong. I have try to complete my things le. But really not my problems is the docs less. Y she don understand. I don like to stay so late. Who don wan to go home on time??????
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Some happy is cos i can go out with my friend but when i reach home sad
I am happy to go out with friends. Sad is i wish i no ned to study can work. But. Haiz. Sad le. Some more i hope not the same sch as him. Yet. I don wan to think so much le. I wish i can work till i die. But still have to study. But the sch is going to start soon. Less then 1 month le. Sometime i don understand. Y he wan to be like tis. Does he enjoy lost 1 friend??? Haiz. I wish i nv noe him be4. Nv mind. I have already 4get wat he do to me. Y he still cannot 4get. I don understand y he scared of me. REALLY REALLY DON UNDERSTAND.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wat should i do??? I have already move 1 step back le. Yet still wan like tis. Does tis mean cannot be friend??? Break le cannot be friend le mahz??? I really really don understand. I really nv lost a friend just cos of tis. I only lost friend when we lost contact or my friend die. Some more tis year still same sch. But i hope not same class again. Don noe wat to do...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Say Until like that
I hate wat he write on the blog. Say until like everything is I wrong. Watever he says is right. Watever i do is wrong. Does tis mean last time watever he say i MUST listen. WAT HE WAN I SHOULD GIVE HIM??? He only think he will get sad. WILL HE THINK OF OTHER PEOPLE. Actually I oso will be sad. Does he only think tat i hurt him??? So does he think he hurt me be4??? Everything u wan to ask. Hold hand wan to ask. A girl wans is the guy dare to hold the girl hand. Yet u still ned to ask. Am I doing the wrong thing.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
So happy today
I m so happy to go out with my god sister. She can be my dear, god sister & best best friend. We r very close. So happy. Happy until don noe wat to say . Very long time then can see each other. Wat she like is almost wat i like. Haiz But i miss her. When we was in Secondary sch we always together. Haiz now....... But nv mind as long we can be together. We will be very happy.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
So tired
Now i work is happy. But n is tired. Cos they always change my time. Sometime say 9am n sometime say 3pm. Tis make me very tried. Wan to go out with friends i still have to think abt my time. Sat n Sun wan to go out but don noe go where. Haiz, Next Tuesday don noe wan to go work or go out with friend. Go work got money. Go out with friend maybe can relax. Cos Sat n Sun always stay at home oso goting nothing to do.Who can tell me wat to do. I wish to go out with my friends. But oso wish to work. If can i wish to work at 3pm. Then the sch things end at 10am. Then i can work n still can go out with my friends.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I Feel Very Hurt.
I feel hurt not only my ex. He is the wan who ask his mother talk to me. Tell me not to msg n call him.Only he will get hurt then i won't get hurt. WAT IS TIS. I hate him. I show him my caring yet he say i nv care his. Wat he wans is 100%. But not many people can do 100%. He sick i got ask him "R u OK"... Yet he still say until like that. Not i don wan to be friend with him. Is he don wan.Sometime i don wish to think but some song let me think how he treat me.He think only he get hurt. So does he think i oso will get hurt??? In tis world not many people can do !00%. If he really wans that then is gd to break. Cos tis is wat he wans. Sometime i really love the song of "Xin Ru Dao Ge". Sometime my heart is just like tis song title.
I hate a person in my office
I hate a person in my job place. She have to do my work when i am not there but she nv. Till let me stay till 9 plus. The next day all my colleagues noe i stay until so late. Then make me don noe wat to say. I can do very fast but my things alway come at 4 plus. Still wan me to do finish by 5 plus. Who can finish in less then 1 hour. If sh nv come i still have to do her work. She can go home be4 6.30pm i cannot. I have to stay till 7plus or 8pm. When i reach home is very tried. Then my dinner change supper. Sometime i don feel like eating.
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